Denise Goldberg's blog

An experience on two feet instead of two (bicycle) wheels
Denise's 2004 adventures in Hawaii

Friday, January 16, 2009


This trip was conceived as a counter-clockwise circle around the Big Island, traveling on two wheels propelled by my feet. Circumstances intervened, and I took a different trip than the trip of my dreams.

It was a good trip, a time for wandering in one of my favorite places...

Hawaii's Big Island

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Traveling on two wheels? No, walking!

Luggage? ...minimal
Ah, decisions made
A volcano watch
The mail is helping me to dream...
What do you mean?
The countdown continues
The last time...
Travel, travel, & more travel

The magic of the Big Island
A beautiful day in paradise
Wandering to Na'alehu
Can you see the wind?
Hey, is that snow up there?
A visit with Pele's earlier creations
It's raining...
From the east to the west
A historical park, a botanical garden
One final day in paradise
Home again...